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Possibilities Are Endless for a Strong Christian Cage Run in AEW
MARCH 8, 2021
When fans got to spitballing who All Elite Wrestling's mystery big-name signing might be, Christian was one of the names most often floated for good reason.
Sunday night at AEW's Revolution pay-per-view, the theory came to life as the promotion unveiled Christian Cage, running with what seemed like something similar to his old TNA theme, as the big signing.
While fans might find fault in the execution of the reveal, there's plenty to suggest the signing is a massive one—for Christian, his new promotion and fans alike.
When Paul Wight joined AEW recently and said a "Hall of Fame-worthy" Superstar would join the roster at Revolution, Christian was one of the names most suggested alongside the likes of Kurt Angle and even unrealistic ones like Brock Lesnar and even John Cena.
Christian isn't Lesnar, and one could argue he's a step below a long-desired CM Punk signing (by pretty much any promotion at this point). The execution of Sunday night's reveal was a bit odd too, as it was tucked into its own segment where Christian came out, didn't say a word, signed a contract and left again quickly.
But there's always a but with these things.
But, Christian might have the most upside of any of those hypothetical signings. The man was, after all, just a top-10 finisher in WWE's Royal Rumble. That he would leave WWE and the cozy confines of matches alongside and/or against longtime partner Edge was simply unfathomable.
Yet here Christian is. He's 47 years old, and if his friend Edge is any indication (he's also 47), age is but a number at this point for guys like them. Keep in mind we're also in the era of the pre-taped cinematic match, so if the worst comes to pass, amazing character work and some superb creativity could still create classic matches.
What's alluring with Christian is twofold. There's a really good chance he could put on some of the best character work of his career as he winds down, provided there's an element of WWE in it. The new slogan he arrived with being "Out. Work. Everyone." doesn't tell us much, but fans and likely other Superstars will want to hear the how and why about his sudden return after seven years away, only to split from WWE again.
And the other part of that is simply the dream-match possibilities. Maybe this revived Christian Cage isn't going to outright contend for the top titles in AEW. But that doesn't mean he can't get in the squared circle with guys like Kenny Omega and have memorable bouts that define the end of his career.
If that's on the menu, AEW is only better for it. There is a very real danger of just gobbling up former WWE guys left and right. But when a free agent like Christian is apparently available, it would be foolish to not scoop him up and let him have programs with the likes of Omega, if not up-and-comers like MJF and "Hangman" Adam Page.
While this isn't the type of signing made to explicitly hurt WWE either, it almost assuredly does. Vince McMahon and Co. just missed out on plenty of Edge-Christian moments to punch that nostalgia button and keep fans entertained during the pandemic era that keeps the stadiums at a limited capacity at best.
Viewed through that lens, Christian is one of the better guys AEW could have grabbed off the market. He's always been brilliant in the ring, has near-unlimited ways he could go with his character and is incredibly decorated in the business with nine tag-team titles in WWE and the honor of being a triple crown and grand slam champion.
Brand sparring aside, there's something admirable in Christian choosing how his comeback unfolds ahead of retirement, too. With WWE, there's always a risk of going the midcard purgatory route like plenty of others. But there was clearly something alluring enough about what AEW had to offer to get him to leave the familiar setting with a friend like Edge.
And that's what makes the coming weeks and months exciting now. Christian Cage is All Elite and given the freedom the promotion affords its stars, as well as the depth of the roster, an indeed Hall-of-Fame worthy talent is now in a position to have a strong run.
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